Rough guide to curling
Curling Etiquette
Curling Equipment
Apollo Curling Rules

Rough guide to curling

Curling Etiquette

Below are some important etiquette callouts. Check out this document for a more complete discussion of curling etiquette. Curling Etiquette.pdf

Curling Equipment

Apollo Curling Rules

  1. League play is by the CCA rules - Free Guard Zone Rule: The first five stones cannot be removed by an opponent if they are guards. They can be moved, but not taken out. If the opponent's stone takes out a guard in the first five plays then the opponent's rock is removed and the one taken out is replaced. A team can remove their own rocks at any time.
  2. Only thirds and skips may sweep stones past the tee line. A team can only sweep a stone of the opposing colour past the tee line, and only one person (either third or skip) can sweep the opposing stone.
  3. If two stones are close to each other in scoring position, either skip or third may request that the stones be measured at the conclusion of the end. If the two stones in question are EXACTLY the same distance from the button, they cancel each other out. The next closest stone is the shot stone. The total points scored in this case would not include the stones that have cancelled each other out.
  4. A stone must fully cross the hog line at the far end of the sheet to remain in play.
  5. Brooms should be in good condition to avoid shedding. A request may be made to replace any broom that is shedding excessively.
  6. For spare players, see the Spares page.
  7. Two regular team members must be present to avoid forfeit of a game.
  8. If a team is late by 10 minutes, the late team will relinquish hammer and lose one point; 10 - 20 minutes late will result in another point lost. Any game delayed by more than 20 minutes is deemed to be forfeit by the late team.
  9. Skips are responsible for determining prior to game play if games played in an unconventional manner (ie. the loan of a player, started after twenty minutes, etc) are to be recreational or count for league play.
  10. Skips are responsible for advising their opposing skip and the League Organizers of a no-show at a reasonable time in advance. Once a game is advised as forfeited, it cannot be rescheduled.
  11. All games are a maximum of eight ends. A buzzer will go off 10 minutes prior to the end of Apollo's contracted ice rental time, at which point all teams may complete the end in progress. An end is considered in progress once the last stone of the previous end has been delivered (left the hand of the thrower). So, if you're on the 7th end and the Skip is throwing the last rock, once that rock has left his/her hand and the buzzer sounds, you may play one more end. This allows for time of measuring, etc. of that last stone if necessary.
  12. Only clean footwear is allowed on the ice. Smoking, food and alcohol are prohibited in the ice area.
  13. Payment of league fees is due once the organizers have finalized the fee amount, and this typically happens once the number of teams and the schedule is finalized for the season. The deadline for paying fees will be advertised through League Buddy. Teams who do not pay the complete team fee by the deadline will be levied an additional 4% late payment charge.
  14. The Apollo Curling Organizers reserve the right to ban / bar players from the league if they are found to be in violation of the rules, for non-payment of fees / dues, or for un-sportinglike conduct.

Canadian Pride Curling Championships Eligibility

  1. To be eligible, teams must comprise of at least 2 (or 3 in the case of a 5 person team) active league members in good standing who are currently registered as a full time player. The remainder of the team may be drawn from the official spares list if necessary.